Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Letter to a Brotha...!!

Dear Brother on the Social Network,

Its been over 5 months that I have written anything. I don't even remember the last letter. I wonder why, and it seems too much of an effort to delve in any form of artistic or literary venture. I have kept myself limited to a vowel-less abbreviated set of everyday words for text messages and saved templates for writing e-mails to you. I have regularly texted you G Mrng(which means Good Morning), cyl(catch you later, ofcourse I wont catch you) and gnyt(Good Night), but i think you have not understood. The inspiration of writing full fledged letters without grammatical errors has gone and even now, I don't feel the itch, the urge to write. A part of me perhaps tells me to start somewhere and see if maybe, maybe it comes back. A set of emails authored by you lay unread on my mailbox as I try to make some sense out of it and send them to the trash(Don't take it literally, it is the trash really). Reading your averagely 25 pages letter wears me down and it is too much of an effort. I would rather text or post(on a wall) or scrap with the ultra-cool lingo(that means 'language', I think!), and I earnestly request you to do the same, else you will not come upto your age. No shit! which means .. uhumm.. It really doesn't matter

Mails like other things in our lives have become templatized to any emotion that one can possible relate to. I have saved templates ranging from simple mails such as Good Morning mails to Thank you mails, and complicated mails such as It was nice talking to you mails. Well, for people who don't really open up easily, It was nice talking to you mails are complicated. With Google as the ever faithful protege and savior, mails seem to hardly involve any creativity as everything seem to be available at the command of a click. One could get just about everything he/she wants to express and if you get lucky like me, you could just get anything and everything. Even something like Screw you bitch mails, which I sent to Malini for breaking up with me. Ofcourse, its been 3 years and I am still waiting for her Screw you back reply. Possibly she hasn't found the right template consisting the right words. If you do happen to see her, remind her about the reply and ask her to register on the urban-dictionary-for-assholes community. Truly Brother!, the world has transgressed boundaries to such an extent that bad words dont seem bad anymore. Infact they are kewl(for cool, don't ponder why!!).

People start with the short form of names like a telegram cable like sd which might mean SD or sad or Sid, but people like to think here and a format likes this sharpens the grey mater inside. This is quite a brilliant initiative started by the youths of today and I am sure it will take mankind a long way. What follows name although sounds preposterous, but it is one of the kewlest words invented by today's generation along with the f-word. As you know that the f-word might be a non-utterable word back there, but here in this part of the country, when used in combinations of different words like man, woman, girl and its related primary and secondary pronouns it sometimes means awesome. Brilliant! isn't it. Coming back, people generally start with something like ssup which is not sup or a small amount of liquid food. But it means what is up or wats up or wassup colloquially. Technically it identifies the current activity you are involved in, but it can also mean your state of health and spirit. I mean imagine the plight of sentences like hope this letter finds you and your family in good health and spirits being replaced by a single ssup. What an idea, sirjee!. The reply is kewl which can mean anything from I am good, thank you to Everything here is good, thank you. Such sparks of brilliance. I shall again advise you to do your studies at this part of the country so that you too can learn and reap the benefits of this language. Sooner more than later, these words should be a part of the official dictionary and you will get to know their meanings and related usages.

Followed by the addressal, the letter gives way to the main body. The basic structure still remails the same but it is interspersed with vowel-less abbreviated words like omg which replace any and every exclamations like alas, oh, yes etc, shit which means if you are not happy with your current state, wtf which again is an interrogative statement on yours or someone else's deliberations and rofl which indicates a great humorous situation. Indeed brother, technology has changed the way people live. It is definitely impossible to map and name each and every emotion, but having a common word for a set of emotions whose root cause trace back to a similar set of events is indeed praiseworthy. I think we should have similar grammatical structure back in our village and perhaps you should put this as an to-do (which means to do) for the panchayat.

Infact brother, people around me have become so peaceful that they sign off with peace and over and out as if they are talking on a walkie-talkie. It is a good sign to have peaceful mails and good signing off makes the reader happy. It seems without peace, the author might get a piece of the mind of the reader and therefore he needs to maintain peace lest he get the blocked notification mail. That is the worst possible mail and there is no way to revert blockage. More than mails, people here find it really kewl to do shit like posting on walls(which i have not understood yet), scrap on one's online diaries(i believe technology has allowed people to still use their kindergarten scrapbooks) and SMS s (the shortest message gets delivered fastest).

With this brother, I would sign off with all regards to dearest father and mother. Kindly teach them some of this new procedures for writing letters and if they feel bad about the words used, explain to them that such words have come a long way in the development of literature. Furthermore, I would write my subsequent mails in the new format as I have briefly tried to describe. I would send you a book if I get one, else try and incorporate things as much as you can understand. I believe movies like American Pie can help you get your mind cleared. I believe if you can hear the entire discourse on the mp3 player which i got last year; that would prove beneficial.

That would be all for the day. Rest finds me kewl.
